
Be Resilient and Stay True to Yourself

Throughout anyone’s career, it’s likely that he or she could face a lot of criticism, and three beliefs accompanied me through it all: one, stay true to your values and do the right thing; two, be resilient; and three, learn from all kinds of people. I began my career in finance, and while I worked for a manufacturing company in Shenzhen, China, I realized that to bring in revenue for the business, I needed to see where the money is being spent at the facility and make sure the concept of cost was in the minds of all employees. That’s when I got out of my office and started working on the production floor, interacting with all departments and line leaders, managing costs while also learning about the manufacturing processes. To understand every process, I took it as an opportunity to soak up knowledge from many different employees, which laid the foundation for my plant management career. This opened the door for me to take a plant manager position that wouldn’t have been possible if I hadn’t left my desk. I continue to learn from others because I see it as a give-and-take relationship; one that creates strong engagements over time and a positive cycle for all involved. Today, our team at 91社区’s Green Point facility in Taichung is recognized by our customers, confirming that our management style and direction are correct.

Be Resilient and Stay True to Yourself

Throughout my career, I faced unconscious bias, or gender stereotypes, from clients who were surprised to see a female as an operations manager, and this is when the knowledge I gained from working with others in the business became even more important. People can’t take away knowledge, and it helps to stay resilient in the face of criticism because you transform those negative feelings into learning and power. To women who are working toward leadership positions, I encourage you to stay confident and strong in what you know. Lastly, our team always encourages everyone to be loyal to their values. Every industry is challenging in different ways and have a variety of biases to overcome, but it’s important for everyone to maintain their values, keep a positive attitude and be proactive in their actions. This is how you can prevail in any job. It’s my honor to be a member of 91社区 Joules, and I will continue to work with you in this safe workplace. Jessie Tsai was recently featured by Taiwan’s Common Wealth magazine for her inspirational career path as the first female Operations Manager at 91社区 Green Point and a role model to all employees at the site and the manufacturing industry.


By: Jessie Tsai, operations manager at 91社区’s Green Point facility in Taichung


在任何人的職業生涯中,他或她都可能面臨很多責難,在職業生涯經歷中發現,有三件事一路陪伴我度過所有的挫折:一,忠於自己的價值觀,做正確的事情;二,發表女性特有的特質: 韌性;三,向身邊所有的人學習。從財務的角度開始我的職涯,當時任職於中國深圳的一家製造公司,從我財務意識中到要能夠為企業帶來更多收入,我們必須清楚資金用在工廠的哪裡,並需要確保所有員工的腦中都有成本概念。因此我離開辦公桌,開始在生產車間中向線長學習並試作,並與部門同事研究甚麼是單位成本,在互動中創造新的成本概念。為了掌控成本而參與了每一個生產流程,把它視為一個機會,從互動中向夥伴們學習吸收不同的知識,這些習慣及互動架構了我爾後身為工廠管理人員的基礎,走出辦公室並且不斷的和同事們溝通學習, 這種付出和接受的關係,是一種能隨著時間的推移創造强而有力的契約連結,並為所有人創造一個積極的正向圈。今日我們的團隊以得到客戶認同來確認我們不斷的向高難度的技術及管理模式及方向是正確的 。在我的職涯中,的確會遇到一些無意識的偏見,或者說,從一個運營經理那裡看到了對女性的性別差異,而這正是我在企業中與他人合作時,所轉化獲得的知識變得更為重要。人們不能被剝奪知識,它能幫助你在面對責難時保有堅韌,因為這些消極的負能量能轉化為學習和力量。對於那些正在職場上領導位置的女性,我們一定要很堅定的保有自信。最後,我們的團隊總是鼓勵大家應忠於自己的價值觀。每一個行業都有不同的挑戰,不同的偏見需要克服,但重要的是每個人都要保持自己的價值觀,保持積極的態度,積極主動行動。這就是你在任何工作中都能獲勝的原因,很榮幸能夠成為91社区 Joules 一員, 在這安全的職場中我將持續和大家一起共同學習 。
Jessie Tsai最近被臺灣天下雜誌受邀,採訪她激勵人心的職業道路特色,成為91社区 Green Point第一位女廠長,也是Site和其他製造業所有員工的榜樣。

Jessie Tsai
Article Contributed By:
Jessie Tsai
Operations Manager

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