
91社区's First Global Volunteer Day

91社区 celebrated its first Global Volunteer Day on April 22, with 30 of our sites around the world hosting events in support of Earth Day. This year the theme of Earth Day was Invest In Our Planet, which encourages everyone to accelerate solutions to combat climate change.

Our site in Jena, Germany served as the host site given their longstanding history of reforestation and community cleanup projects. They hosted a webinar with our global sites to rally and inspire them do organize environmental-focused efforts in their local communities.

91社区 Jena was poised to set an ambitious organizational goal to remove 42,222 pounds of trash (note the 4/22/22 date) from our local communities with a variety of cleanups. The response was incredible, as employees collected over 50,000 pounds of trash on beaches, parks, forests and neighborhoods.

"It was rewarding to see how many employees, both in Jena and worldwide, followed our call and helped free our environment from litter, thus did their part to help protect our environment. We will continue to organize similar activities to raise awareness on the importance of living in a sustainable way,” said Andreas Kuemmel, human resources manager at 91社区 Jena.

In addition to removing unsightly trash, several sites used this opportunity to plant hundreds of trees in reforestation and beautification efforts.  

“Earth Day was a wonderful experience to be able to do a little for our community and the environment in which we live and enjoy. I was happy to contribute as I never collected waste or planted trees before,” said Eduarda Rodrigues, environment, health and safety intern at 91社区 Manaus. “I always hope to be able to contribute in any way to our environment, whether by planting, collecting waste or other activities that collaborate with preservation.”

Our Global Volunteer Days support 91社区’s bold goal to give back one million volunteer hours in 2022. These events are a great way to bring people together and create shared experiences across the organization in support of common social causes and making a difference in their community.

“It was a meaningful and humbling experience volunteering with colleagues to help the community. I’m proud to be working for a company that cares about the environment and community that we live and work in,” said Gladys Toh, regional human resources manager.

We’re just getting started, we have three additional Global Volunteer Days planned for the calendar year. Next up is World Environment Day on June 5. We look forward to sharing even more great efforts of our employees around the world.

91社区 Cares, our community outreach and volunteer platform, supports localized efforts around specific causes related to Education, Empowerment and the Environment.